Kpop News

The KingDom's Hwon faces allegations of working at host bar & ghosting woman after sex

The KingDom’s Hwon has been accused of working at a host bar and ghosting a woman after sex.

On June 27, the rumors began when a verified account on social media platform X released a long post accusing The KingDom’s Hwon of working at a host bar during his promotions as an idol as well as ghosting the poster after sex. The original poster, who uses the account name juayamm10, revealed alleged personal details about Hwon and exposed his alleged side gig at a host bar, which is an all-night drinking room known for offering male companionship as a service to women who are willing to pay. This essentially means the chosen “host” will pour drinks, talk, dance, sing karaoke, and more, but sexual relations are not officially offered or condoned.

The poster claimed she was deceived by Hwon, who allegedly stated he was a photography major at first, writing: 

“You were part of the idol group The KingDom and went by the stage name Hwon. Your real name is Shim Yeong Joon, and you worked in Host Bar Yeong Joon. Since you hold dual citizenship with Japan, you were exempt from military service. You said you were a photography major, right?

How do you feel deceiving a woman who believed you’re a kind and pure-hearted person while pretending to be an ordinary citizen, hiding all your lies from head to toe?

You must think idols can do whatever they want. You slept with me all night, then immediately slept with someone else the next day. I’m going to reveal that you’re an idol. I already contacted your agency, saying I’d expose your secrets unless they kept it confidential. You knew this and still slept with me until the end.

From the beginning to the end, everything was your fault. Do you know why I wanted to keep your secret? During your active period, I thought about you, couldn’t tell anyone, and kept it all to myself. If you had apologized just once, I might have forgiven you.

If we were to meet again, and you acknowledged that I didn’t do anything wrong, then maybe I’d understand and consider meeting you again.

You acted like everything I did was wrong, and every time I spoke, you got angry like a lunatic. You were angry at the Korean restaurant, telling me to leave. You ran towards Han River as if to make a scene, and when I asked you to come back, you got angry, insisting I leave.

You think all my actions are beneath you, and you constantly gaslighted and belittled me like a lunatic with your words and actions.

Remember what you said? All your fans are fools, and only mentally ill people come to fan meetings. When customers at the host bar suggested going out with you, you would take their money and ensure safety.

It’s not just fans; I know how you view all women, including me.

Also, remember what you said? Among all the people you know, I am the kindest, and you thought I wouldn’t tell anyone about what you were doing.

You said it was fortunate that I, not someone else, found out. But it turns out, it wasn’t fortunate at all.

You showed me the real you, using the kindness and weakness of a person’s heart to reveal your despicable nature to me. If you hadn’t toyed with people and treated me poorly, if you had apologized, none of this would have happened, Yeong Joon.

Pretending to be an ordinary person while using and playing with other ordinary women too. Now I’m sure of it. I hope there won’t be any more victims.”

However, many netizens are not buying the poster’s claims, commenting, “Bring the evidence,” “How long did this person wait to get verified just to post a memo,” “If you met him at a host bar, you’re a true match made in heaven,” “The post doesn’t make sense. You said he ghosted you the next day, but suddenly you’re together at the Han River,” “Legendary. A host bar idol,” “I could write something like this too in the notes app on my phone,” and more.

The KingDom’s agency GF Entertainment has yet to comment on the allegations.