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EXCLUSIVE [INTERVIEW] Yves on going solo with 'LOOP': "In the end, what I loved the most and was good at was music and performing"

Debuting as part of the 12-member group LOONA, Yves has now bursted onto the music scene as a solo artist, exploring more of herself by breaking the “loop” she’s used to doing for the past years. Now that Yves has taken the spotlight, the artist is poised to showcase charms and tell stories that are completely Yves, an exciting new chapter of her solo venture set to unfold.

“I’ve been following certain rules and systems for a long time as a part of the group. To me, this album represents my first challenge to get out of a pre-made loop of rules, study myself, and express it through music,” she said in a press release statement.

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Titled ‘LOOP,’ Yves expresses such emotions felt through the four tracks named “LOOP,” the total bop focus song which features rapper Lil Cherry, “Diorama,” “Afterglow,” and “Goldfish.” It’s an album that displays her authenticity; “an immature yet bold, rough yet honest” as she described. Her fellow labelmates in Paix Per Mil, including IOAH, blah, and MILLIC joined forces to craft this masterpiece.

Following the release of the album, allkpop had the opportunity to speak with Yves about going solo, album preparations, her favorite career moments, and more. Check out our exclusive interview with Yves below!

Shout-out from Yves to you, allkpop readers!

allkpop: Hi, Yves! How does it feel to finally debut as a solo artist? Are you satisfied with how it went?

Yves: Hello! I’m Yves, and I’m finally back as a solo artist. I’ve achieved a lot of good results, but regardless of the outcome, I’m grateful to finally be able to give my fans who have been waiting for me the gift of a solo debut.

allkpop: I’ve seen a lot of good comments under your performances because of your live singing despite the choreography. How long did it take you to master the dance moves?

Yves: I think it took me about three days to memorize the choreography. However, I think it took me about a month to add my own color and style to it, as well as to figure out how to dance it perfectly without too much effort and difficulty.

allkpop: You said that one of the important things you focused on was expressing your emotions. How did you tap into those emotions while you were in the recording studio? 

Yves: I tend to put a lot of effort into evoking emotions. Usually, I look at the lyrics of a song, think about it, and imagine it. Then I try to sing the song as if I’m spitting out the lines. Sometimes it doesn’t work, and when things don’t go my way, I get angry at myself and then I will cry.

allkpop: You also emphasized storytelling for this album. Will we be able to see songwriter Yves in the coming albums?

Yves: I’m so grateful that my friend IOAH, who is a producer and artist, mentioned to me that I should work with him on his next album, And I’d love to be a part of it if I get the chance. I think it would be a great way to express my story in a different way and more diverse way.

allkpop: You also said that ‘LOOP’ is like your own diary. Do you have a diary? Also, if you could give your current situation a diary title episode, what would it be?

Yves: I keep a diary, but I don’t write in it every day. I often write about the moments I want to record on the blog I run. If I had to describe my current situation as a diary title, I would say, “A dream that is not a dream.”

allkpop: You also said that you were able to explore more sides of yourself. Could you share with us what new facets you’ve learned from yourself through this album?

Yves: There were times during my hiatus when my self-esteem was low. I felt like there was less I could do. However, when I had the opportunity to work on this album, I was able to come up with a lot of ideas and try different genres. Because of this, I gained confidence, learned in many ways, and realized that I have a lot of different tones, and that I was just setting my own limits.

allkpop: Why do you think ‘LOOP’ is the best musical project to establish the solo artist Yves and to just start unfolding the definition of yourself?

Yves: Cycles. Even though I wanted to escape from my repetitive daily life and routine, in the end, what I loved the most and was good at was music and performing. It seemed like I was going to bounce from this, but sure enough, I came back. I thought it was appropriate to tell my story because the cycle of good and bad things seemed to be my life itself.

allkpop: You said at the album showcase that you hope to evolve from being a LOONA member to becoming a “Girl of the Year.” If it were an award at a year-end show, how would you describe “Girl of the Year”? 

Yves: “이달의 소녀 (Girl of the Month/LOONA)” means that if there were girls who symbolized the 12 months, she wanted to become the “Girl of the Year” who could fill the stage on her own and show off her charms like various seasons. Through this album, I showed four songs with different charms like the four seasons, so if I could put my name on an award at an awards ceremony, I would like to receive the “Girl of the Year” award!

allkpop: You mentioned that your biggest goals are making it to the global charts and filling stadiums, but I wanted to ask you particularly what kind of artist you want the public to see you as in the long term. What do you want to be remembered for?

Yves: I want to be remembered as an artist with a mind of her own. An artist whose stubbornness makes you wonder what message, music, or performance she’s going to deliver next.

allkpop: You’ve been through a lot as an idol. What’s one or two moments that you often look back on?

Yves: Two things stand out in my mind the most: Our debut as a complete group and our last concert.

allkpop: Lastly, do you have any final messages for allkpop readers and your fans?

Yves: Dear allkpop readers, and you, Ehngdu (Yves’s fandom name), who is always by my side! Finally, I broke the long hiatus and made my solo debut! I will walk slowly step by step and tell you my stories, so I hope you will join me on that journey as you do now. Please look at my future kindly and beautifully!


Instagram: @paixpermil
Twitter (X): @_paixpermil / @Yves___official
Spotify: Yves