Kpop News

Min Hee Jin attracts a large crowd of Fans and Cosplayers in Japan

Min Hee Jin drew a crowd on June 26 at the NewJeans’ ‘Supernatural Pop-Up’ shop at ‘LINE FRIENDS SQUARE SHIBUYA’.

As the mastermind behind NewJeans, Min Hee Jin’s presence at the opening of the highly anticipated pop-up store created a buzz, attracting a large number of fans. Many people waited in line for a chance to take photos with the creator of NewJeans, showing their admiration and excitement.

Adding to the enthusiasm, some fans took their dedication to the next level by cosplaying Min Hee Jin’s outfit from her infamous press conference. This playful homage not only showcased their creativity but also highlighted the strong connection and influence Min Hee Jin has within the fan community.


“So cute, haha”

“Person of the Year, LOL”

“Hiroshi Fujiwara, LOL”

“She’s even more of a sensation than NewJeans”

“What else would you expect from the country of cosplay, haha”

“Min Hee Jin look in Japan, LOL”

“This is a hit, LOL”

“Oh! Min Hee Jin-san, Min Hee Jin-san! ^ㅇ^”

“Hip lady born in 1979”