Kpop Review

aespa Winter Almost Ruin a Marriage as Wife Accuses Fanatic Husband 'Dirty Pervert'

aespa‘s Winter is going viral for allegedly causing a married couple to contemplate divorce. Recently, a netizen’s post on an online community titled “I Fought My Wife, Can You Tell Me If I Was Wrong” went viral, sparking heated debates online.

In the post, the netizen, a 35-year-old fan of Winter, shared his side of the story. He revealed that while he is a fan of Winter, his fandom is limited to enjoying aespa’s music and appreciating Winter’s beauty.

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“First, I was born in 1989, and I have a wife who is 3 years younger. And I am a fan of aespa’s Winter. I don’t go to her concerts or anything, but I became a fan because I like aespa’s music and Winter is pretty. I am just enough of a fan that if someone asked me which idol I liked, I could answer Winter. I don’t buy their goods or anything.” – Netizen

The netizen recounted a significant fight that occurred while he was listening to aespa’s new album teaser and expressed a desire to buy the album. His wife reacted strongly, accusing him of being a “dirty pervert” for admiring an idol significantly younger than him.

“One day, while I was listening to a teaser song from aespa’s new album, I asked if it was alright if I bought the group’s album. I’ve never bought an album since BoA’s debut album in Middle School, but my wife suddenly criticized me and called me a dirty pervert for being 10 years older than her. I then asked why it wasn’t dirty that her mother followed Jung Dong Won around, and she got even more upset. For context, my mother-in-law goes to all of Jung Dong Won’s concerts and even flies overseas to see him. She and her friends are members of his fan clubs and will even push back family events for him.” – Netizen

The altercation escalated, with his wife continuing to call him a pervert. The netizen lamented that their relationship has been strained since the incident, and if not for their child, he would consider divorcing her.

“I can’t even divorce because of our child. What should I do?” – Netizen

The story quickly gained traction, with many netizens siding with the husband. Comments on the post suggested that the wife’s accusations were unjustified and excessive.

“It’s understandable that she is jealous but this is too much. There are couples that marry who have an age gap of over 10 years. It isn’t like he’s stalking her, is it a crime to say that he is a fan?” – Netizens via Wikitree